Friday, September 19, 2014

Change the name of ‘angel school’ –

(Dagbladet): “Angels School ‘as the princess driver with Elisabeth Nordeng, has reach changed its name from Astarte Inspiration for the Soul Spring, reports

At school nettside explained name spoils candy:

– We kjenner that it is time for Update Thread. When jobber as tert with energies candy we makes in vårt ‘work,’ m staying we veldig sensitive even when energy and labored not sustain fully together. Therefore Skjern that the change reach.

It is not the first time the school changes the name. When the diaper hotels created in 2007 under the name of Astarte Education.


With a fresh navneendringen lanseres also new nettsider and a new såkalt “mood video”, the stream better explain what values ​​they stand order.

This Soul Spring annonsert on his Facebook page.

Amongst other Trine Grung and Sigvart Dagsland have bidratt for å lage nettsiden and video music, writes

The name Soul Spring has Märtha Louise and Elisabeth Nordeng selected audiovisual several årsaker.

– First, it can be a soul’s-spring. This interpretation reflects the energy change on the ground lavatories 2012. the other name can reflect souls-fjærer (as springfjærer). Here comes assosiasjoner to y jump in Senga – that is childish glided.

Märtha Louise will open also opp about how she tackled the criticism which has the pellet mot school.

-I Ama’s probably safest y keep tilbake and show fullt and completely who I was only operation on Astarte Inspirations four Vegger. Not induced Cities unnecessary. Passe inn as much – well so far this lot seg do, then. I skjønner course that I stand for would be too many far utenfor normal and that I many have said much of what is necessary.

– Had to start ‘angel school’

Märtha Louise and colleague Elisabeth Nordeng has previously talked about The background to the selected stream start opp the mye-mentioned angels school.

– We both felt that we were litt for selfish if we did not share this with the other. And that was when we decided Feed for stream start school together, so Princess Märtha Louise on a public event under the auspices of the publisher Cappelen Damm two years sida.

For questions about eh has led to the two y g seg to angels school as a livsprosjekt, answered Märtha:

– For Meg has hosted stream coming home. Well I stand on both Beina. Before I got just one, and perhaps, to to and just stortåa. It should veldig lite that I lost balansen and I bli fort injured.

Controversial Princess

Princess Märtha Louise’s’ angel school “has host mye discussed since opprettelsen in 2007

As a result av previous helgs seminar with Princess Märtha Louise Elisabeth Nordeng and the selverklærte The medium Lisa Williams, stormed it again around the school.

Europeiske royal house experts thought the seminar is damaging to the Norwegian royal family.

Konfrontert criticism of co-operation with Williams can damage the Norwegian royal family, replied Princess Märtha Louise that she skjønner to it can do it.

– When we started ‘angel school “in 2007 said they also that it was veldig harmful for the royal family. Everything’s veldig harmful for the royal family. But of course, I see also that it can be. At the same time håper I reach the (‘angel school’, journ.anm.) So has set up as jobben I have, and that the royal family is noe other things. But I is part of the the family, I am, she said to the newspaper.


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