Saturday, October 22, 2016

Dorthe Skappel removed the silicone: – It was liberating – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): In Saturday’s “Good evening Norway” on the TV 2 has a presenter Dorthe Skappel (53) invited toppblogger Sophie Elise Isachsen (21) into their home.

In the report discussing the among other things, the uncertainty Isachsen has had to his own appearance.

the 21-year-old has chosen to be open on his blog about the various changes she has made, including to operate the nose and enlarge her breasts.

TOOK NESEOPERASJON: One of Norway’s biggest bloggers, Sophie Elise (19), conducted a plastic surgery on my nose in august of last year. She chooses to share her experiences with TV viewers in the reality show “the Bloggers”. Video: TV 2 Show more

It is three years since the blogger got added into the silicone, and the call target rapidly into on this subject.

- do you Regret? ask Skappel in Saturday’s broadcast of the TV program.

- No, when I had taken it out or done about it, she says.

Felt as if something was wrong

Then open the program leader about their own experience with the augmentation.

I also had silicone and they took off again. And it was a deliverance, admits Skappel.

- It was painful to lie on his stomach. Everything was stress. I felt somehow that when you hugged them then there was something wrong inside there, or that there was something wrong, she explains further.

The bokaktuelle the blogger says she knows itself once again in mindset.

It may, I will be very tired after each, because – as you say – it is tiring that you can’t lie on the stomach for example. Sometimes I think it looks a little strange. When I’m wearing certain items of clothing and stuff like that.

- It was so very binding

REMOVED SILICONE: Here is Dorthe Skappel on the red carpet before the party to Tv2 høstlansering. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix Show more

To Dagbladet Magazine has CHANNELS 2-cohost told that silikonpuppene got her to change the entire perception of the own body.

She understood quickly the negative aspects of having silicone.

- The clothes I had before I could no longer wear. It was sort of like that that suddenly it was so very committed, and I may not have sweaters that are like that, then they are standing here, and I could somehow not have very kind of the sexy thing anymore, even though I was more on the “sexy” perhaps in the period when I was more flat, she said.

“Good evening Norway” to be broadcast on TV 2 on Saturday at 21.30.

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