Sunday, October 16, 2016

In 20 years, the Norwegian Reidar fought for the literature prize to Bob Dylan – VG

In 1996, he was one of initiativtagerene that Bob Dylan should be nominated for the Nobel literature prize the first time. Then, the Norwegian Reidar this may explain (62) ensured that the nomination has been sent in again. Year after year.

– This is fun, but to be honest, I was very surprised. I had almost given up slightly. Had greater hopes, the first ten years, ” says Reidar this may explain to the VG.

ever since the 1970s he has been an avid supporter of Bob Dylan – and has now been around sixty concerts. The first was in Gothenburg, sweden in 1978, then he has traveled Europe around to be present on most of Bob dylan’s concerts.

VG from 2001: a Norwegian fighting for the prize to Dylan

His songs are ethereal, the lyrics are engaging. This deserved him, really, ” says Reidar this may explain.

He was part of a Norwegian group which in 1996 took initiavet that Bob Dylan should be nominated for the Nobel literature prize.

But we could as individuals do not get him nominated. One must either be a professor of literature or language. Therefore, it was first rate in cases when the u.s. litteraturprofessoren Gordon Ball, Department of English and Fine Arts, Lexington, Virginia, said yes to suggest rock-legendens candidacy. The page has more professors hung up on, ” says Reidar this may explain.

Read also: nobel laureate in literature is: Bob Dylan

Gordon Ball wrote a nominasjonsforslag to Svenska Akademien at around ten pages. There it was, among other things: “Since the beginning of the 1960s, has Bob Dylan through the words and music created a boundless universe with his art. It has permeated the globe and in fact changed the history of the world.” Then Reidar this may explain ensured that the nomination has been submitted and renewed year after year.

– There have been a lot of work, it also says this may explain.

He has to date not greeted on his great hero, even if the connection with dylan’s concert at the Norwegian Wood-festival in Oslo in 1998, was only coincidence that meant that it didn’t happen.

you Got with you? Granted Dylan the Nobel literature prize – did not get hold of him

– I did not meet up, joking Reidar this may explain.

<p>60 CONCERTS: Norwegian Reidar  Indrebø vært på more than 60  concerts with Bob Dylan up through the  åclean. This picture is from the England in  2012.</p>

60 CONCERTS: Norwegian Reidar this may explain has been on more than 60 concerts with Bob Dylan throughout the years. This picture is from the England in 2012.

Photo: Ki Price, Reuters

But there is a lot of truth in it also. At that point he had namely had a good contact with dylan’s manager, Jeff Rosen. He knew that Bob Dylan knew about him, but this was in a different teknologsk age.

When we came home to Brought after the concert, was it a fax to us from Dylan. He would meet us before the concert. It was like winning the Lottery, and not collect the prize.

By the time the has not the opportunity been there for Reidar this may explain, but he has not given up hope.

But I don’t know if I’m going to travel to Stockholm during the awards ceremony, says this may explain.


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