Monday, October 24, 2016

Got the main role: – I was called back for an audition right before delivery, but had … – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): – Frilanslivet is a bit like that. I had free while I was pregnant, but eventually I started to work again. I was totally blown at the first audition, but it went. I was called back closer to term, but had to check. It was too close, “says N’jie to the Newspaper.

Both Haddy and Mariann (the Hole red.anm.) they were due almost at the same time and was completely sprekkferdige on the stage. I was afraid that they would give birth during the audition, but all went well, and both are fortunately with, ” says director Per-Olav Sørensen about the almost year-long castingperioden.

- Practice every day

N’jie combines now småbarnslivet with her daughter Maria, who she has together with the Ap-deputy chairman Trond Giske, with the death of his first major musikalrolle.

Maria has been with the sangforberedelsene to the role of “Fantine” both before and after she was born in march, says the N’jie.

- I practice every single day, even if it is a long time to premiere, and I’m both looking forward and dreading me. For this project provides me certainly a little anxiety. Especially the songs that absolutely everyone has a relationship to, and are so happy in, is challenging. I feel I am missing both musikalsang and skuespillerteknikk, so here I have to really stretch myself far, “explains N’jie.

large-scale initiative

One of the world’s most well known and longest running musicals, “Les Misérables”, will be interpreted in English and be set up at the Folketeatret in Oslo in the autumn of 2017.

Monday was rollelista presented during a press conference.

Singer, presenter and barnebokforfatter Haddy N’jie plays one of the lead roles of “Fantine”, together with singer Karin Park. Per-Olav Sørensen (the”Nobel”, “the Battle for heavy water”) stands for run the show, and with Atle Halstensen as musical responsible.

It is produsentfirmaet Scenekvelder which stands for production.

Featured cast

In other major roles, we find Håvard Bakke (“Javert” and the bishop), Marion Raven (“Eponine”) Mariann Hole and Dennis Storhøi (“Mr. and madame Thénardier”), André Søfteland (“Jean Valjean”), Jenny Langlo (“Cosette”) and Hans Marius Hoff Mittet (“Javert”).

“Marius” is played by Lars Henrik Aarnes and “Enjolras” is held by Andreas Hoff.

WORKED a LOT TOGETHER: “Nobel”-the director Per-Olav Sørensen is now ready to go loose on the work of the musical “Les Misèrables”. Here with actor Dennis Storhøi. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet Show more

- It is in a way a comeback for me, ” says director Per-Olav Sørensen, who in recent years has worked mostly with large television productions.

This is really a strong team, and it was a tough castingperiode, but now I’m looking forward to, ” he continues.

People love this musical, and it can be done in very many different ways. I have plans that we should make it tougher than it usually is, ” says Sorensen.

- Everyone’s favorite

- Dennis Storhøi, why do we need yet another version of “Les Misérables”?

- It is a fantastic story and everyone’s musikalfavoritt. Every big city should always have the “Les Misérables” going on, and I hope people travelling to Oslo for you to get this piece. I have played “Mr. Thénardier” once before, and now it’s really a kjempelag as is with , say Storhøi to the Newspaper.

“Les Misérables” has premiére 8. september 2017 at the Folketeatret.

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