Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Here are the first pictures of the prince twins – VG

Prince Inside Charlene (36) and Prince Albert II (56) of Monaco became parents two weeks ago. Now they show up newborn twin children.

Wednesday last week born princess her first two children Gabriella Marie Thérèse and Jacques Honoré Rainier. A whole world had still to wait a full 13 days before they saw the first are official pictures of the two children that were published on fyrstepalassets official Facebook page.

On Christmas images can partly see the two little twins safely placed in mommy’s bosom and matching jumpsuits – in pink and blue though. Prince Albert II stands behind his little family in a julerød shirt, next to a decorated Christmas tree.

See more photos at the bottom of the matter!

& lt; p & gt; FROM TWO TO FOUR: Dual couple have s & # xE5; barely started & # xE5; be two weeks old. & lt; / p & gt;

FROM TWO TO FOUR: Dual couple have barely managed to become two weeks old.

Photo: Frédéric nebinger / Prince’s Palace of Monaco

Will Prince and Princess

The twins will replace Princess Caroline of Monaco in lineage to the Principality. Although the princess was born first, it is still prince Jacques who will be heir to Monaco, as there are boys who have preferential throne. Something that got us in VG to create the headline: “The last shall be the prince.”

Ever since Monaco royal family announced that Charlene was pregnant in May, rumors abounded flourished whether princess waited one or two children. First in October confirmed fyrstinne Charlene and Prince Albert II of Monaco that they waited twins.

– The Prince and princess of Monaco is pleased to announce that they are expecting twins at the end of the year, said the principality in a statement .

When Prince George was born on 22 July 2013, did not let the Duchess Kate and Prince William world wait more than a day before they proved a huge press corps with the little prince on his arm.

Although the pictures of the newborn prince was not the official pictures, made the world a glimpse of the British heir to the throne. The first official image of little George did not come until August 20th – one short month after birth.

 & lt; p & gt; Christmas card: Prince couple have f & # xE5; tt a boy and a girl for a little under two weeks ago. Gabriella Th & # xE9; r & # xE8; see Marie reportedly in pink jumpsuit and Jacques Honor & # xE9; Rainier in bl & # xE5; tt. Photo: Fr & # xE9; d & # xE9; ric nebinger / Prince's Palace of Monaco & lt; / p & gt;

Christmas Cards: Prince couple have got a boy and a girl for a little under two weeks ago. Gabriella Marie Thérèse allegedly in pink jumpsuit and Jacques Honoré Rainier in blue. Photo: Frédéric nebinger / Prince’s Palace of Monaco

PHOTO: Frédéric nebinger / Prince’s Palace of Monaco

 FAMILY IDYLL: The f & # XF8; first pictures of the prince-twins were publicly disclosed p & # xE5; fyrstepalassets official Facebook page.
FAMILY IDYLL: The first pictures of the prince-twins were made public on fyrstepalassets official Facebook page. Photo: Photo: Frédéric nebinger / Prince’s Palace of Monaco
 & lt; p & gt; HELPING H & # xc5; ND: They baked parents s & # xE5; out & # xE5; have their hands full during baby photography . & lt; / p & gt;

HELPING HAND: They baked parents seemed to have their hands full under baby photography.

Photo: Frédéric nebinger / Prince’s Palace of Monaco


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