Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A great visual experience – Daily

Reviewer: Ole S. Nerheim

the Play is also about what we humans are concerned, among other things, the pursuit of the real love, about gender and identity, and what perhaps many disturbingly, not very concerned, what is the meaning of life.

the Notion that California has set up is so visually arresting that a really need to rub in the eyes. It seduced the audience inside in a dream world of set design, so catchy that a rarely have seen the like from a scene.

Especially the first act a scenographic fireworks at its best. Scenography with good theatre has also been a regular signature from Rogaland Theater. It serves the audience a gourmetforestilling that gives a taste of the powerful scenographic marinade served with tender kjøttfullt content from Woolf. A performance where both actors and dancers gives us an irresistible tasty dish.

Nina Ellen Ødegård in the role of Orlando, as both male and female, is brilliant. The same can be said about the entire ensemble in its many scene change from the renaissance, baroque and up to the modernism.

Man and woman

In the piece “Orlando” the story starts already at the end of the 1500′s and goes back to the 1900′s. Orlando lives for more than 300 years, where she starts off as a man and ends up as a woman. On the way we even get a history that spans several centuries with how Orlando experience both to be man and woman in various eras.

“Orlando” is also a highly relevant piece in our time. Not only that, critics enjoyable enough get their passports printed. It is a story that also puts the spotlight on ourselves. Where we are complex personalities and can, if we seek, find different variations of ourselves. Among other things, by both losing illusions, but also be on the quest for new.

A tribute to a playful ensemble of actors, scenograf Olav Myrtvedt and director Sigrid Strøm Reibo, who made a fascinating performance.


do Not do as Virginia Woolf did it to commit suicide by filling his pockets full of stones and drown him in a steady river of 1941. Fill rather line their pockets with the tickets and give them as opplevelsesjulegaver in the strong holiday season for the family. For here you are served a really experience on a play that deliver both theatre, music, dance, video and a scenograf that invites you to an exceptionally beautiful and reflected the performance. Hello, Oslo! This is a piece that adds the list to a Hedda award nomination!


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