Tuesday, November 22, 2016

So went there with this year’s couples from “Married at first sight” – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): another season of TVNorges ekteskapseksperiment, “Married at first sight”, is at the end.

five weeks have three married couples who met each other first at their wedding, lived together as husband and wife – in the hopes to find love.

For the two of them have a tv concept, which met with much opposition when TVNorge presented it two years ago, yielded good results.


Nicolai Caspari Paths (27) and Andrea Mundal (27) is one of the couples from this year’s season that still promise each other eternal fidelity.

- I am still married to Nicolai. We have moved together in an apartment in Oslo, and have it very well together He is a really great guy, and yes, I have found love, tells the Book to the Newspaper.

STILL MARRIED: Nicolai Caspari Paths (27) and Andrea Mundal (27). Photo: Christine Strap / TVNorge Show more

She describes the “Married at first sight” as a nerve-wracking and scary experience.

It was strange to be married with an unknown, but I felt that I was well taken care of at all in the production during the whole recording. I should still wish that I worried a little less and maybe was a little more lenient towards differences between Nicolai and me.

- the Experiment has taught me that differences between couples also can be good, ” she tells us.


What applies to the husband, he does not hide the fact that the process was far more demanding and tidsomfangende than what he had imagined.

- But it was still one of the wildest and sjukeste I have experienced. And I believe absolutely in a positive way, ” says the Paths to the Newspaper, and continues:

It goes very nice with us, and we are optimistic about the future. Love has taken the time to build up, but is certainly found.

Also, the couple Bernhard Bornstein (29) and Akhila Christ Dranger (27) have chosen to stay together after tv participation. They did indeed end in the summer, but makes a new attempt.

STILL MARRIED: Bernhard Bornstein (29) and Akhila Christ Dranger (27). Photo: Christine Heim / TVNorge Show more


- We are still married, but have spent a lot of time to reflect. Five weeks goes by very fast, and it only afterwards that you get time to be properly known. We are still working with the relationship, and look positively in the future.

his Wife agrees.

- We still have some challenges, but I am having a great me along with him and laughs out loud when he drags ace out of the sleeve. Bernhard is a wonderful person, and a superb danseløve. “Married at first sight” has been a very special and intense experience, ” she says.

the 27-year-old think it has been strange to see everything again on the tv.

I feel that I have gone through so many processes, and developed me a lot. I’m left with lots of appreciation.

- the Tiring process

For the last couple in the lineup, Cathrine Servold (27) and Stian Martinsen (28), was “Married at first sight” no great success.

” We have little contact in the day, and the meet is really only when we have fellesarrangementer with the other participants. Skilsmissepapirene was written during in the summer, tells Servold to the Newspaper.

At times, the 27-year-old regretted the reality-participation.

It was a very tiring process, and when it did not went as I hoped, so I think it’s natural to have those thoughts at times. Now in retrospect, I try to only see the positive with the turnout. I have grown a lot as a person, and become much safer on myself, ” she says, and adds:

today is my life is very good. It is very delightful that the program is over and that everything is out, so that I can live my life normally again.

FREE: Cathrine Servold (27) and Stian Martinsen (28). Photo: Christine Heim / TVNorge Show more


Man she got married with refer to the experiment as educational, and says that he has been able to talk about feelings.

- I do not regret that I was with on this, and have learned a lot about myself. My life today is very good, although at times it has been a lot of attention on social media. It is very nice and charming, but it can quickly become a lot of for a boy from small Odalen.

communications advisor at Discovery Networks, Ola-Magnus Svihus, ensure that participants receive follow-up as needed.

- “Married at first sight” is a challenging experiment, which requires a lot of participants. We are happy that Catherine feels that she has grown through the process. Anyone can get follow-up by our experts, both before, during and after the experiment, ” says Svihus.

EACH GOES TO ITS: “Married at first sight”-the couple Patricia Helland and Ian Donald choose to be separated for five weeks. Video: TVNorge Show more

Both Servold and Martinsen are single today.

In the year selected all the “Married at first sight”-the couple to take out a divorce. The year before held one of the pairs together after the innspillingsslutt.

Programkonseptet goes out to challenge the idea that love is the only way to love – by right into a panel of experts who are given the task to put together the “perfect” couple. Matching occurs on the basis of personality and dybdeintervjuer.

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