Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Christine is the main employee representative and has been 23 years in the TV 2. Now she loses the job – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): This week you get a variety of CHANNELS 2-employees know if they’ll continue in the job or whether they must go as a result of the ongoing nedbemanningsprosessen.

the chief union representative at on tap Media, Christine Mikkelsen, is among those who must go. It confirms she is even the face of the Newspaper.

- in Principle, it is very unfortunate that the TV 2 says up hovedtillitsvalgte in this type of process, when employees need the hovedtillitsvalgte, ” says Mikkelsen.

RESPONDS: TV 2-club manager Henrikke Helland react strongly on the fact that more officers have been instructed that they must go. Photo: Emil Weatherhead Breistein / NTB scanpix Show more

She has been employed in TV 2 since 1994, and has been the club manager in the Ready Media for 15 years. In addition, she has previously served six years in the TV 2-the board of directors.

Along with NJ and Nito make up Ready Media the three clubs at nyhetsleverandøren.

According to a representative for the TV 2-the journalists, the, Henrikke Helland, Mikkelsen is not the only elected officials who have been told that she is complete in TV 2.

Helland says to Dagbladet that union representatives in several of the clubs are among those that need to go, and reacts like Mikkelsen strongly on management’s options.

- We believe we have a master agreement which shall indemnify representatives in such processes, and was surprised when there were union representatives on the lists of those who do not get space in the TV 2 further, ” says Helland to the Newspaper.

177 må gå in TV 2

many cases

According to Helland, there is great dissatisfaction around the TV 2-management’s handling of the kuttprosessen.

We were the informed that the management would take into account seniority when they put the new organization, but from the cases we have been given to us now are those of a very subjective character. We collect your supporting documents and will send them along to NJ for the assessment from a legal point of view.

- How many have so far been told that they have to go?

We see that there are many issues we will deliver to NJ for review. We have a stack of both in Oslo and Bergen, answer Helland.

Management’s conversations with the staff are ongoing, and will continue throughout the week. Already now react Helland on the line the management have chosen to add.

TV 2-staff alerts about the strong reactions: - Can be litigation

” We are very disappointed that we actually get so many cases that after our first assessment will be able to dispute an. We do not know the reasons for an, but they have not taken into account ansiennitetsprinsippet. It is difficult to fathom the rationale the management has to make the choices they have made, ” she says to Dagbladet.

- Extremely demanding

- How is the atmosphere among the TV 2-employees now?

- It is difficult to describe. I can’t put words on it. Of course, there are some who are relieved to have received positive answer, and someone cries over a negative response.

- How is it that a union representative to work as closely on kuttprosessen?

- It is extremely demanding to be in the situation we are in now, both in terms of the unpredictability of the people who are being pointed at and not to understand the rationale, “says Helland, and adds:

” We believe that this could have been resolved in a more predictable way, after ansiennitetsprinsippet.

These programs disappear

the Newspaper has tried to get a comment from TV 2s organizational and communications director Sarah Willand and the latest news and sportsredaktør Jan Ove Årsæther, yet without result.

Årsæther says, however, to Medier24 that they believe that they have done a thorough job in accordance with the working environment act. At the same time, he says that the TV 2 is prepared for possible litigation after oppsigelsesrunden.

Årsæther tells us that they have seen on a number of factors than just seniority when they have considered the employees to get to and which must go.

- In Norwegian working life, we are talking not just about seniority, even if NJ just wants to talk about it. There are three conditions that should be emphasized and it is social relationships, competence also seniority. All these matters are assessed against the three conditions. Cases are also reviewed by our lawyers, ” says a news and sportsredaktøren to Medier24.

This means the TV 2-the cuts for you as the viewer

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