Wednesday, January 18, 2017

That is why tv-profiles from the NRK and TV 2 to TV Norge Dagbladet.en

(Dagbladet): today launched the TV is Norway’s new humorflaggskip “Mandagsklubben”, which comes on the screen to spring.

In 1996 as humorprogrammet the light of day for the first time. The concept has since appeared in different variations on both TVNorge and TV 2 – most recently as “Torsdagsklubben” on the latter channel.

Nå is the exitørt what Jon almaas formed to gjøre på TVNorge

In 2017-” we find Atle Antonsen, Else Kåss Furuseth, Thomas Displayed, Dag Sørås, Harald Eia, Jon how do I, Anne Rimmen and Calle Hellevang-Larsen.

Several of these are former NRK and TV 2-profiles, which have changed employer in the course of the last few years.

“Mandagsklubben” is one of the main reasons that I’m going to TVNorge and Discovery. I get a real challenge in working with humorsjangeren, and am looking forward to working with the talented people I do not know from before, ” says Anne Rimmen in a press release from TV Norway, and Discovery.

It is Rimmen to act as the show’s “captain”, while Kåss Furuseth and Sørås is her firm makkere. Hellevang-Larsen are utegående correspondent, while the remaining comedians will be cycled on to visit “the club”.

Sørås his motivation to join the program, however, was quite clear during today’s launch.

- Finally I get to join in on a program that is not my ass, told Sørås humrende.

From the TV 2 TVNorge

Else Kåss Furuseth is a familiar face for most from the TV 2, where she among other things has participated in the programs “Thursday evening from Nydalen” and “It is allowed to be bland”.

- the Period after the «New på new» vært very special

- Why you chose to go from the TV 2 TVNorge?

- to get to be a part of such a fine bunch as the guys in the “Mandagsklubben” was a big reason I chose to go over to TVNorge. I think simply that it sounded very fun, ” says Furuseth to the Newspaper.

She says that she likes to be a part of a large humorgjeng again.

– …. And not to forkleinelse by Morten Ramm, but it is nice to get to with Dag Sørås have actually read a newspaper before, laughing Furuseth.

Artistic freedom

Comedian and actor Harald Eia is known for a variety of humorprogrammer on NRK, and walked over to the TV Norway in 2012.

- IN TV Norway we get a very large artistic freedom, and work with whatever you want, ” says the Eia.

- In contrast to NRK, where they are keen to reach absolutely everyone, then there is no obligation in the TV Norway, other than to reach out to the viewers, ” he continues.

TVNorges program director, Eivind Landsverk believes that the channel has gathered the strongest humorlag.

The gang that owns both the irony and smarthet. They have the ability to collect the most important issues in the country, and at the same time make people laugh, ” says Landsverk during today’s launch.

Programdirektøren laws in both the raw and unfiltered jokes and ballespark when the show runs in the time from the spring of.

Plan ahead now is to maintain humorprofilen our. To create humor is a grip we feel we have succeeded well with, he says to Dagbladet.

“Absolutely perfect”, “Next summer”, “a Clown with coffee”, “Ylvis”, and not least the advent calendars to Espen Eckbo are examples of humorprogram who have gone good on TV Norway.

Landsverk says that he is happy to have got built such a large humorstall with the many talents that are well suited to the “Mandagsklubben”.

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