Friday, January 13, 2017

Review: “New again” Brilliant “New again” again – the Newspaper.en

As Rosenborg in the nineties shows new New of new that one can change a winning team. And in the season’s first battle sings from captain Bård Tufte Johansen what he sees and shows how the merging of continuation and change is good.

“Welcome to New again,” says Tufte Johansen standing in a suit and tie, and avleverer verbal oppspill with the visual punch of the district and the DAB, Norway, around, Heal, and Sylvi, before he sits down and presents the panelists.


Tufte Johansen belongs to a generation nittitallsironikere that has forced the whole of the next generation to have to say “message mechanism” to emphasize that something they say actually seriously meant. Nittitallskameraten has as its viseparodifigur always sung what he sees – or “as it buzzes in your ear, you must reply” (from Tazte Priv) – and dealt in national skramling in close to 25 years. The former støvsugerselgeren described even the absurd spastiske breakthrough Little Saturday that “flippete”, and together with the stud dog Harald Eia, he is since known for the warm (and cold) irony and the kind (and naughty) satire where nothing is sacred and everything can tulles with. But it has gone most of the tv sjangerparodier, bad dialects, distriktharselas, tulleringing to a Danish speech and language therapist, behavior outside of their own home, and the portrayal of a orienteringsentusiast that must remain at the target area.

Tufte Johansen has long training as the los by setting snurrige questions and keep the mask under aktualitetssatire in Little Saturday, Open mail and Storbynatt. The highlight that mediesatiriker of large format is kyllingstuntet, then mediehyklekoret about Thorbjørn Jagland reached the bottom. He has now butted off his horns, but it is still play with the “enlightenment, experience and upbringing”.

Some are funny. Some are fun. And any are fun. Tufte Johansen fun.

Tufte Johansen and making fun. Together with the stud dog Eia has he stripped the fake dikotomien “le of” vs. “le with” something or someone. You can le for, from, to, around, or many other propositions. Little Saturday is a candidate for the “kulturkanon” as a guest Torbjørn Røe Isaksen has called for.

Party like 1999?

When a large force is now replacing the leader, it is timely to follow. And can we still stick as if it were 1999? Or 1990, for that matter, when the uk original version Have I Got News For You”, debuted.


In the selvbeskrivelsen is it ever that New on new is the NRK “Underholdningsavdelingens news magazine in a satirical form related to the week’s nyhetsbilde”. Furthermore, it states: “In the evening with our new host Bård Tufte Johansen and Pernille Sørensen and Johan Golden. Guests this week are Kristin Halvorsen and Torbjørn Røe Isaksen”

the Guests are very important in the New again. Weekly replacement of the entire 2/5 parts, or the majority, that Røe Isaksen would say. Right-the politician has fun suggestions along the way in the start of the season, while Kristin Halvorsen more serious debattinnspill sometimes fall through. They must be kidding with Jon how do I’ work in TVNorge as vaffelsteker, it is boring at the trial of Jensen and Cappelen, Sylvi Listhaug (again) and Trump, and Tufte Johansen says: “I am first day on the job – you will get one point each”. He also gets the laugh when he talks about to “send the kid his on skidag with shorts and oppvaskhansker” and its ukrenkede reaction: “When I sit and draw a little so long.”


“Satire” comes from latin and actually means “bowl with different kinds of fruit”, but denotes, according to Store norske leksikon most often as “with spottens weapons attack the time to time, society, or individual human frailties”. Since 1999 has a million viewers weekly all won the profane fruktkurven, dominated by the political pears and other rotten apples.

how do I now out of programlederstolen is originalbesetningen completely replaced. But the format with aktualitetssatire is a stable scaffold that can withstand the shifting winds.

Tufte Johansen is a safe change for the New again, a program with historic flair, which belongs to NRK, the cannon along with the News and Norway around. It is referred to as “the Norwegian tv-success”, and is one of the longest running programs on the Norwegian tv. No one has led a programme of entertainment in this country longer than abdicated how do I, who rubbed their hands and said “thank you, thank you” for the last time in December. He has followed Friday from the pizza to the taco.

In the first broadcast he sat with pen and paper, and in a more gentle appearance than in later years, he let a short joke about that “9. april is far more enjoyable than its reputation” gently on the floor. The application otherwise dealt with the wolf, mosque, religionskonflikter and human smuggling – that is similar to that today. But other krenketider lot formulations as “new specially trained housewives who can smell out the garlic” to be kosher. Knut Nærum was in dry form from the start, with Ole Brummske formulations that “it is not so very dangerous to be afraid”, and guest Pål Atle Skjervengen delivered the joke “Kristin Halvorsen as new Right leader?”.

the newspaper Aftenposten called the program “inconvenient”, VG reported not with the “New Again was not time for this Friday unfortunately”, while the Review gave the 1 on the dice and called it a “mageplask”.

New dynamics

The fresh trekløveret Tufte Johansen, Sørensen, and Golden – comedians with different strengths – provides a new dynamic. For presenter Tufte Johansen, there is little point to mimic the elegant diagonalstilen and try to fill the store my ski boots to langrennsentusiast how do I, who led the Again again in 17 years. So out on deep water, it is natural and refreshing that fiskeentusiast Tufte Johansen will itself boots and vadebukser, and stands listening in the middle of the verbalstrømmen. He snaps up his capture at the appropriate occasions.

It has been a friendly maktoverdragelse, and how do I, a gentlemann with accordion, as in the last transmission was crap with that betrayer, quisling and traitor, saying: “Take well with Bård Tufte Johansen in January”.

And in the evening he stood there, so he stood and swung the torso, arms and tommeldans in the first program of Little Saturday in 1995. And he has also led this program before: 15. april 2011 was a result from professionals a “rampesending”, where they wrapped with vikaren, the noise and søplet. “Now I called you Jon”, says We. “It makes you not again”, says Tufte Johansen: “It is very exciting what you say, Anne-Kat.” They wrapped with this in tonight’s broadcast: “It tends not to come from you. It is we who shall guess,” explains Sørensen: “It does tend to rhyme.”

He enters the dialogue where it is needed, listens, and laughs, and is a more popular part of the panel. Tufte Johansen is a good comedic actor, which makes other fun. He keeps the mask, listening and commenting with sharp spontanhumor in good timing. It fits excellent in the New review framework with improvisation based on thorough preparation.

The former balance between apparent chaos (Hærland, from professionals) and order (Nærum) are fixed up through the Sorensen and Golden, who have both. And with Tufte Johansen in the fixed vikarposisjonen laws it’s good for those who graviterer against kaospolen. The first program gave the good, but at the same time a little scary fredagsfølelsen of comedians and politicians who tickle each other. For the program has influenced the politicians ‘ public appearance, where, since 1999, has been a rising requirement to be funny. To be able to win they must participate.

So what is new with Tufte Johansen? Not really so much. But there is also the whole point. New again kidding with variations of the same news every week. There are old songs again. Ordinary people do that before. It makes the politicians also. And comedians. New again is about the repetition of the familiar. A transition from the classical to freestyle doesn’t change the fact that it’s about cross-country skiing.

Both channels-research & tv-journalism is more concerned with innovation than tradition. The culture is morbidly concerned by the change. But the focus must also be directed against the permanent, enduring, continuing. New again is not about the new, but old, tradition and continuity, the satire of the usual political issues.

“We meet next week,” concludes Tufte Johansen.

Yes, we do.







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