Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Trilogy that has given Jon Fosse Nordic Council Literature Prize. – Dagsavisen

“If God had meant that books were easier to read without punctuation, he created neither commas or periods. But he did then, without Jon Fosse allowed himself afflict any great thereby “wrote VG its literary critic Tinic Talén då Jon Fosse in 1992 released the novel” Lead and Water. ” “Boring novel” was headline, and the dice were one-Eins eye.


ALSO READ: Jon Fosse nominated for Nordic Literature


It is 23 years ago, and hardly something that has holding Jon Fosse awake at night for very many years, if something inside. Even though, according to Cecilie N. Seiness say fine intervjubok “Jon Fosse. Poet on God’s earth “was novelist Jon Fosse Actually neither was going to be då he started writing as a young student.


The drama that has made Jon Fosse EiT known names for theater people over the whole world, came only after seven prose utgjevingar, including that of VG “boring” “Lead and Water.” “It was prose author I was. It was our ambition, “he says to Seiness. “So the drama over. After that I started by pressing the drama has I’m not had ambitions as prose author. It may Vore as good for prose. “


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Maybe it. For it is so with Jon Fosse as with several of us, that sometimes he changes his mind. On an large-scale event in Reykjavik last night, and in competition with thirteen Forfattarar from nine countries and language area, there were nemleg prose writer Jon Fosse which lasted awarded the Nordic Council Literature Prize for a new book. Not dramatikaren. The aloud imminent price fekk he for the three short books “Andvake”, “Olav draumar” and “Kveldsvævd”, which is released in one-gathering volumes under the concise menu entry “Trilogy.”


Fossekallen dei self “forteljingar.” “Andvake wrote eg because I’m not really wanted that prose would disappear,” he says, framleis in interview book to Seiness. Medan he in the interview he did with Bergens Tidende då “Andvake” came out, goes comically far in drawing a circle against VG-slaughter fifteen years previously – vary these without having exactly that in mind. “I’m not particularly fond of the sentence, no. It does so, coma completely finally. And only one-. – But comma do you like? – Oh yes. In imprint can dei well normalized my language, what can I have to just vera happy, but if they will have me to obey the comma rules, roars eg. Because that would make it vera has the same effect with a total utgjevinga. So I write shall comma vera rhythmic, not right. “


And rhythmically it. “Andvake” is “typical Fosse”, with short sentences, no sentence, rhythmic repetition and at least five unwritten lines ment in between and around each of the lines that actually standing there. But there are “typical” in a good way, of dei reasons like makes Fosse to ein of the contemporary most celebrated dramatikarar, “wrote eg då I signed the book eight years ago, before I concluded that” Jon Fosse has write ein of their best texts so far and deserve a vigil public. “


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Because it’s not three strong texts Jon Fosse en has honored Nordic recognition for. “Trilogy” tells the story of the young, in love couple Alida and Asle, who will host parents together. They are poor and huslause, utstøytte from community, all in the vague scheduled era “old days.” In desperation endar Asle up doing something horrible, that he is paying the price for the next volume, “Olav draumar.” Where is the couple the same, but no has dei no change names to Olav and Åsa. The zone is newborn, Olav were looking for ein ring so that they can get married.


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It endar not good. To bad endar it, that “Kveldsvævd” opens with that Alida dreg to Bjørvin to be hunted after Asle, with baby in tow. Ho is tired, starve and einsam då dockable man picks ho up and tells what has happened to the girlfriend her. That he never Going back. He offers her to be silent, tenar girl with him. Alida accepted. Ho has no other good alternative, and hosted with the transported in boat eighteenth to the village ho and Asle came from. “And thus flow narrative forward, pops up enough on board the boat ein parts of time. Waves phrases back and forth, with dei constant gjentakingane, small shifts and changes me is vandenberg with things to focus on as “typical Fosse.” The inner monologue rullar and running, canceled by taciturn dialogs. Steady, little old faction Norwegian, word order as rents tank against Norse sagas “wrote eg in the message of the of the three books I perceive as brightest, most filled with hope despite everything:” Much may sound sad, but the hope is there. “Trilogy” is similar not something else. So neither are you Jon Fosse makes it. It is hoped that the threat his to stop writing drama at least means several forteljingar come. Dei makes both Norwegian literature and world literature Rikar. “


Noko jury that gave Jon Fosse Nordic Council Literature clearly seen is our joint with. The author has naturally been his special wish to have exactly this award, which he was nominated for also for “Morgon and night” in 2001, då Jan Kjærstad fekk award for “discoverer”. Fosse has also said that he not want his Nobel Prize for Literature – at least not exactly no. “It had not Vore well for me, either personally or literary, to get the price no. So do I relieved, and a little happy, “he wrote in an e-mail to NRK då Svetlana Alexievich host called out as this year’s recipient of the perhaps most gjævaste literary prize in the world. But the Nordic Council award under their belt, the opposition also Fosse continually improve an also for the Nobel Prize. It would not surprise many in particular whether he will soon receive it, for a total forfattarskapen. With or without God-given commas and periods.


Nordic Council Literature Prize is worth DKK 350,000 and was awarded in Reykjavik on Tuesday evening.



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