Saturday, January 7, 2017

Review: “Every time we meet” Is this the Youth kulturmønstring, Ida Maria? – Dagbladet.en

TV: a Little surprising that it is the rapper from the hip-hop group the Clowns in the battle that opens this year’s season, since he is the one that perhaps is the least known of the seven artists. “Maybe I’m the rotten egg in ‘Every time we meet’-the curve”, he says ‘myself’. He refuted first in the next programs, for this time it’s the Clowns in the battle-songs that will be interpreted.

Åse kleveland also: “Far to go” (Esben Selvig / Aslak Hartberg / Kristoffer Bonsaksen)

best START: Åse kleveland also. Show more

Something of the idea of “Every time we meet” is to give the songs new life. It makes Annie much in his åpningslåt. The usually dead serious woman, who has been more kulturpersonlighet than the artist in the last few decades, is in a completely different and more løssluppen setting than we are used to (and even in the pants, and not dress/skirt!). “Far to go” has been given a arrangement that takes even more out of gladjazz/brass band–the mode than the original, with a small blåserekke and Åse on the ukulele. We get a also a small dash Åse-rap. A promising start on this year’s season, this.

Hanne Sørvaag: “Kaninkoker 2″ (Aslak Hartberg / Esben Selvig / Sveinung Eide)

LOTS of TEXT; Hanne Sørvaag. Show more

It is well made to sing a rap-text – because there is so much of it. Then it is not easy to keep up with the twists and turns all the way, and Hanne must draw breath a couple of times. She nags and hurrying more with this “tribute to the crazy ladies” than the Clowns in the match did it yourself, in addition to fight her a bit with the backing. She could perhaps instead surprised a little and twisted more of the song. It is difficult to perceive, but she has embellished a bit in a pretty raw “mannfolktekst” – and see it all from a woman’s (or “kaninkoker”s) point of view: “When you throw around with køllå…”.

“Now I was sweating”, said “the Dane”, and it is understandable.

Eldar Vågan: “Sing” (Aslak Hartberg / Thomas Gullestad / Esben Selvig / Sveinung Eide)

GOT KLOVNEHJELP: Eldar Vågan with Aslak Hartberg and “the Dane”. Show more

It is difficult to take totningen Eldar completely serious when he “knoter” on the saami, and it is a bit silly when it’s about such a serious text about the people who choose to end his life. There is a lot of text, and also Eldar have some problems with to hang out with. The basically catchy the song is also a little too personal for him, and he collects Aslak Hartberg from the Clowns in the battle midway through. It increases the sjarmfaktoren, but suddenly it is not the Eldars song and it is on the verge of “cheating”. A little easy, maybe, but fun to hear him in such a setting.

Eldar can be a joker this season, but don’t hit quite the plank here.

Ida Maria: “Night sons,” (Aslak Hartberg / Thomas Gullestad / Esben Selvig / Sveinung Eide)

the ROCK: Ida Maria. Show more

Is she gone wrong? Is this “Youth kulturmønstring”? Ida Maria has made about the title of “the Night mothers”, perhaps because she’s been a mother myself. It is a song she could identify with. She starts gently, but then trøkker she and the band with a rocking version of Ida Maria-style loses a bit of purpose and meaning. It is just uninspired kaving. Småsurt is it also. She shall have for the energy, but there is too much cry and little wool. The song is not to recognize, and it had to be of the shades disappear into the noise

“It is my turn to maltraktere one of your songs”, said Ida Maria, and jaggu she got right.

Margaret Berger: “The happy day” (Aslak Hartberg / Thomas Gullestad / Esben Selvig / Sveinung Eide)

CAPTIVATING: Margaret Berger got the help of Thomas “the Finger” Gullestad from clowning around . Show more

Margaret is as a rapper? Yes thank you, this was something else! And with Thomas “the Finger” Gullestad from the Clowns behind the miksepulten we are more hip-hop than some of the other entries in the evening. But the “Finger’n” is the only guest, and Margaret makes it to his. Also here it is difficult to perceive the text, simply because there is so much of it. But Margaret goes “all in”, as “the Dane” might said. She also puts a lot of herself, and it is delightfully catchy. We say us agree “the Dane”s own conclusion: “oh my god, you have so much attitude and flow”.

It is well strictly speaking that hip hop is all about.

Benny Borg: “Yes, we love” (Esben Selvig / Aslak Hartberg / Thomas Gullestad)

PERSONAL EDITION: Benny Borg. Show more

Here, we are talking personal interpretation! Benny does it in one way easy for him, when he decided to recite the “Yes, we love”. Not the national anthem, but the Clowns in the battles tribute to life. He read the text with understanding, with careful musical follow – intermingled with a few bars of “A White Shade Of Pale” (signed violinist Madeleine Ossum). Benny should have the praise that he is thinking outside the box and surprises. A lyric that deklameres can be both flat and trite, but this will pass the test.

He manages in his simple show to do something nice and personal out of tune, which opens and ends a capella.

the Next Saturday is Åse kleveland also hedersgjest.

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