Monday, January 2, 2017

TV-premiere: “die walküre”. – VG

the Original, but something spenningsfattig trip under Oslo.

TV-premiere: “die walküre”.

Norsk dramaserie in 8 parts

NRK1, Sunday. 21.15

Serieskaper: Erik Richter Strand. With: Pål Sverre Hagen, Sven Nordin, Pia Halvorsen, Mikkel Steep Silset, Joachim Rafaelsen m.fl.

Dramalisten is added thus in NRK for the high score in both the artistic and publikumsmessig with series like “Mammon” and “Nobel”. Much can be crossed off with “die walküre” also and it seems that we probably will never get back to “the Conqueror”. The cliff is effective and frenetic, the visual expression is grådystert delicious, and skuespillerprestasjonene is, with one flagrant exception in a minor role, very good. Produksjonsverdiene is high over the entire line, but we expect also of a series of 65 million in the budget.

Background: the Norwegian TV-drama goes under the earth.

“die walküre” is at least as ambitious as the aforementioned predecessors, and has the most original rollegalleriet you’ve seen in a while. With Sven Nordin and Pål Sverre Hagen to front the there is plenty to explore in the weeks ahead. We find ourselves under the ground in the centre of Oslo: On the abandoned Metro station Valkyrie Plass hits we are an unmatched pair, “samfunnsfiender” in their own way. Two types that look like you and me, but who lives in the borders of the community.

Leif (the Garden) is beredskapssjef in the municipality and have access to all the hooks, nooks and unfamiliar room under the city. But most of their powers he uses to blog about the day of judgment, which is guaranteed to come, and what to do to prepare. Doctor Raven (Nordin) refuses to join the fight to save the wife’s life after that expertise at Ullevål has given her up. Behind the T-baneskinnene under the ground in Oslo to create the two a clinic where one welcomes people who have lost faith in conventional medicine and doctors, or just generally paranoid.

<p>CLINIC UNDER the EARTH: Sven Nordin in the role of the doctor is the Raven, which operates under the Valkyrie Space, in the middle of Oslo.</p>

the CLINIC UNDER the EARTH: Sven Nordin in the role of the doctor is the Raven, which operates under the Valkyrie Space, in the middle of Oslo.

Photo: Erik Aavatsmark, Tordenfilm/NRK

With him on “the team” they also desperate Teo, another dommedagsfanatiker and Leifs biggest fan. He is on the run from a robbery and have all the proceeds with him. The project to save the forskerkona pulls Raven also co-worker Treat. Sure, you just have to buy that it is possible to drive high-tech research and legevirksomhet a few metres below the kebabsjappa of the Valkyrie Space.

Have you read: Intense weeks for the newlyweds Pål Sverre Hagen.

the Garden and the Nordins desperate, uironiske approach to roles makes it easier. “Die walküre” is a karakterdrevet series, unfortunately, has not added as much diligence in to trim to the plot. It goes over three episodes before we fully know where we are going in this series. It is not particularly spenningsmettet from the ledge, then there is the danger that a part of viewers falls off before it really gets exciting about halfway here.

Storytelling’s pulling on her hair a bit, nevertheless, it is a godgufsen dommedagsstemning one frozen in. It filosoferes uortodokst and fresh around the question, “How far are you willing to go for what you believe in”, and it is a good deal of interesting that will come out of the mouth of our heroes also without that dialog is for educational. The script also questions of the unpleasant kind. Serieskaperne want little more than to entertain, and even though you might not dig you down for eight weeks with Leif and Raven, you will feel well entertained and perhaps a little more enlightened too.


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