Friday, March 27, 2015

Great Valley treatment soon at Rikshospitalet –

Rikshospitalet states that during the spring can offer stem cell treatment of the same type as Gunhild Stordalen got in the Netherlands against the rheumatic and very serious disease systematic sclerosis.

Great Valley forecasts are positive, but first two years she knows if she recovers fully. Treatment characterized as experimental, but Rikshospitalet may soon offer it to Norwegian patients.

Section and Chief Inge Margrethe Gilboa at rheumatology department at Rikshospitalet says to NRK that the plan is to offer treatment to selected patients during the spring.

– That Gunhild Stordalen has highlighted this disease and created publicity about the treatment is very positive. That one now seems to open to provide treatment at Rikshospitalet is also a consequence of it. She should have all praise for it, says Gilboa.

Stordalen am glad that Rikshospitalet soon may offer treatment for the disease, as 500 people are affected by in this country. Norwegian Rheumatism General Tone Granaas is also pleased that the processing enters the Norwegian health care system.

– That this should no longer be an alternative treatment, but which can be offered to all patients who benefit from the regardless of social strata and background, it is a very good news, she says to Aftenposten.

Granaas commends Stordalen to have been open about the disease and says it has helped rheumatism across the country.

– Rheumatism, MSDs are a low status health in Norway. At the same time the diseases that plague most and cost for society, she says.



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