Sunday, June 14, 2015

Magnus Härenstam is dead: – - Now I’m just very, very sorry –

STOCKHOLM (Dagbladet): Magnus Härenstam, known from “Fredriksons factory,” has died.

He was 73 years old.

It is Härenstam manager that reports of the death in a statement to Expressen.

Died of cancer

The actress has long been cancer sick. He initially got prostate cancer, which evolved to become a tumor in his back, and he has undergone a variety of treatments.

In Sweden, the actor perhaps best known as the nation’s first stand-up comedian. He also ask the program “Jeopardy!”.

Härenstam is a familiar TV faces in Norway, from time Fredriksson in the series “Fredrikssons factory”, where he played against Norwegian Elsa Lystad, Hege Schøyen, Aud Schønemann and Harald Heide-Steen Jr.

– The damn cancer

According to Expressen was there in 2003 that he first got prostate cancer. He also got blood clots in 2011.

In 2012, the tumor in the back known, but the actor was even in good spirits.

In May last year came the bad news. The disease was back, and he had to undergo surgery.

The actor has previously said what he thinks about being cancer sick.

– This is fucking cancer I have to lug around, he said to Expressen in 2014, and let To:

– I really hope that I’m back on my feet again in the New Year. I still have some left on my list of things to do before I die.

– Very sorry

Härenstam Norwegian colleagues from “Fredriksons factory ‘receives death message with great sadness.

– Now I’m just very, very sorry. I was introduced to him at the very start of my career, and he was an incredibly sweet man, says actor Geir Kvarme phone Dagbladet.

– We were good friends, and have many happy years together. I am filled with gratitude to have been working with him. This is incredibly sad, says Kvarme.

Brit Elisabeth Haagensli (66) says that Härenstrøm have left traces in her.

– He was an incredibly charming and generous colleague. He relied very much enjoyed around him and was always positive. One would very much like to work when you were with him, they wanted to do their utmost. She praises him as a very talented actor.

– He did so much different. He had an incredible timing and was very disciplined, but seemed still improvisational constantly. There I was very fascinated by, she says.


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