Friday, July 17, 2015

D’Angelo canceling Molde Jazz –

(Dagbladet): Soul singer D’Angelo has been the headliner at several Norwegian festivals this week. But he has disappointed the public by showing up late for both concerts at peal festival in Grimstad and the Oslo Fjord Fest.

Tonight it becomes known that D’Angelo far from settles in seals to sweeten Norway audience intended. He canceling tonight’s concert under Moledjazz.

“D’Angelo has been ill and was unable to travel from Oslo to Molde in the afternoon. He had to get off the plane. The concert is therefore canceled, “writes the festival said in a statement.

The musicians walked off the plane

One of the first reporting of the cancellation, the musician and writer Peter Aagaard.

“D’Angelos manager Alan Leeds and bassist Pino Palladino went just AV plane to Molde, before take-off … They said that tonight’s concert is CANCELLED!” Writes Peter Aagaard on their Facebook page.

For Dagbladet says Aagaard he sat in the plane when D’Angelos manager brought out all the artist’s musicians.

– I know his manager from before, and he walked onto the plane and picked out all the musicians just one minute before it was to take off, says Aagaard.

The festival got the message through Facebook

General Manager at Molde Jazz, Hans-Olav Solli, tells Dagbladet that he even got D’Angelo news via Facebook.

– We got some disturbing facbookmeldinger, and proceeded to check it. When we learned that D’Angelo had gone off the plane in Oslo. He felt so bad that he had to leave, but we do not know what ails him, says Solli.

The festival will not find a substitute for the artist.

– We have tried to get him on a later flight. But it did not. We have chosen not to insert a replacement, it is difficult to replace D’Angelo, says Solli, who looked forward to the concert.

– He is a fantastic artist. We looked very excited to see him. Now I am very sad on behalf of the public, ourselves and artist. But that’s what happens.

Should write book

D’Angelo, real name Michael Eugene Archer, got his big break with the album “Brown Sugar” in 1995. His album “Voodoo” from 2000 was also critically acclaimed, and he has since been hailed by music connoisseurs.

It would take almost 15 years before the artist again delivered a full length album from the studio. Meanwhile struggling artist with personal problems and avoided the public eye. The rumors about him have therefore been many, but with last year’s “Black Messiah” convinced D’Angelo in both the public and critics.

Petter Aagaard, who is also a music critic had planned to write a book about the artist together with Christer Falck. He is now disappointed D’Angelos behavior during her visit to Norway, and is afraid bokplanene fall.

– I saw him in Oslo yesterday and went to Molde to do researche to a new book about him. But it will be difficult now when he does not come.

– It fell silent

Dagbladet managing editor Eugene Laran Brandal was on site when the news was delivered in Molde. He says that the festival audience was very disappointed when the news was announced.

– The message went over the speakers, and it fell silent. People who had bought a ticket were asked to contact the sales booths, those who had bought online would receive further instructions. So some of the ticket price refunded enough.


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