Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Unable to participate in Norway Cup – donating either money to anti bullying – kjendis.no

(Dagbladet): When the duo Staysman & amp; Lazz played at the opening show of this year’s tournament, there were several who responded. This is because the song they played, they also participated in Eurovision with, contains several references to alcohol drinking and partying. They pointed out that this did not befit such a young audience that the children at the annual football tournament.

Now the media stories had consequences. The duo was supposed to play a charity match at Ekebergsletta tomorrow, but have been told that it behooves now.

Stian “Staysman» Thorbjørnsen took to Facebook to share the news. Dagbladet he says that this is sad.

– The children had been disappointed

“We just got an incredibly sad news. Because. media stories related to that we played ‘A well-cooked pizza’ during the opening show to Norway Cup, we can now be with and play charity match at Ekebergsletta tomorrow, “writes Thorbjørnsen on their private Facebook profile.

For Dagbladet says artist that he does not understand the criticism.

– Had this been a premiere, I had understood it. But this is a song we have played in front of over a million people on NRK and the entire VG-lista-tour this summer. It is also streamed millions of times, mainly by young people in the age group 11-17 years, says Thorbjørnsen.

Also pairmate Lasse “Lazz” Jensen stated.

– What should one say? We tried not to do any harm by playing the song. The children had also been disappointed if we had not played our biggest hit, says Jensen.

– Our way to help the

When the duo did not play charity match, they quickly decided that they still would contribute. This is to donate money to an anti bullying organization.

– We decided well really soon to donate 10,000 crowns. I called MOT quickly to hear about the account and a bit like diverse. They were very happy, but I do not think they realized they were we who called. This is our way of helping on, believes Thorbjørnsen.

Both the duo have children, and says there was never an intention to encourage children to alcohol drinking. Thorbjørnsen think many had been disappointed if they had not played the most famous song theirs.

– We have taken over 4000 selfies with children and youth around the country. The song has never made headlines like this before. tells Thorbjørnsen.

– Do focus on the fight

There are event agency 6th Sense who are accountable for artist booking at this year’s Norway Cup. Dagbladet says the agency’s creative director, Tron Mathisen, that this was a decision they took because they do not want more noise around the situation.

– This is a decision we took because we want the focus on the game. Outside of that I will not comment further on the issue, says Mathisen.

Press Responsible for Norway Cup, Lucy Thoresen, told Dagbladet that they see themselves agree eventybyråets decision. Both parties seem imidertid it was nice that the duo chose to donate money to MOT.


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