Thursday, August 25, 2016

Haakon and Mette-Marit’s incredible history – Seher

Crown Princess celebrates 15th wedding anniversary.

SEOGHØR.NO: Saturday 25 August 2001 gave Prince Haakon (43) and Crown Princess Mette-Marit (43) apart their yes in a beautiful ceremony in Oslo Cathedral.

This created folk festival in the capital and huge amounts of people trooped into the city in hopes of getting a glimpse of the couple.

Almost two million television viewers were also joined ceremony, which was performed by bishop Gunnar brace, via the screen.

In his speech to the bride and groom took partly brace up Mette-Marit’s role as a single parent:

“( …) Dear Mette-Marit, you show courage and faith in saying yes to an unknown future. You begin a new chapter with a clean slate. You do it with dignity. ( …) You have given maternal love a tender and loving face. As a single mother, you have shown the way for others. “

touched all wedding speech

A few hours after the ceremony touched the crown prince many to tears with the beautiful and well-chosen words he said to his wife in his speech during the wedding dinner. One can also say that the Crown Prince made a new word – the original, but speaking the phrase “adrenalin-mad”:

“(…) Mette-Marit, you are sensitive, easy to please, detail oriented, a bit apathetic, burning engaged, temperamental, brave, unfathomable, can be defensive – or resolute, you have good sense of humor and a warm, big heart. In other words; you are a hero, wonderful, complex person.

I do not think I’ve been so angry with anyone, as you. I do not think I’ve been so weak or so strong, that with you. I do not think I’ve ever been so filled with love, as with you. Then open up the full range. When we communicate, I feel like a whole person. Thank you for giving me this feeling. I am proud to call myself your. For now we are here, now we are together. Mette-Marit, I love you. “

This week, on Thursday, celebrates the Crown Princess and Crown Prince’s 15th wedding anniversary!

See Haakons touching wedding speech to Mette-Marit here: Love story between Mette-Marit and Haakon is often described as a true Cinderella story.

The ordinary young girl and single mom through her marriage to Crown Prince Haakon was Norway’s entire Crown Princess.

the couple met for the first time during the Quart festival in her hometown of Kristiansand summer 1996. Three years later they met at the same festival once again and developed a close friendship.

in the beginning, the relationship between them attempted to keep secret.

The case continues below.

GREAT DAY: At a press conference at the Palace 1 December 2000 declared Crown Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby their engagement official. Here shows Mette-Marit proudly engagement ring. NTB Scanpix

Mette-Marit was a single parent and had a past that “party princess”, which led to a violent media pressure on the pair. Finally chose Crown Prince Haakon to break the principle of not commenting private life.

– I do not want to confirm that I have a boyfriend and I do not want to account for gravity in the relationship. But I will certainly need to do so. Yes, I have a girlfriend, her name is Mette-Marit, he revealed to Terje Svabø Sunday 14 May 2000 on NRK.

They were then both 26 years old – and very much in love.

autumn same year they moved together, and discussion about the monarchy’s future went high in the Norwegian and international press.

the couple announced their engagement on Friday, 1 December 2000, and through its official tasks s on upcoming Crown Princess showed Mette-Marit willingness to take their new duties seriously and ability to get people to meet.

When she three days before the wedding opened about his “dissolute past”, she won the trust and many of the hearts of the Norwegian people for their transparency.

today, southern girl one of the most popular royal.

the case continues below.

The  Norwegian royal couple's 25th anniversary.

Laughter is SOLVED: Crown Princess cost in Mette-Marit’s birthplace Kristiansand in June during the celebration of the royal couple’s 25th anniversary. Here the Crown Princess a good laugh during the Queen’s speech on garden party at the Ant Farm. NTB scanpix

“World’s Best Dad”

– I never kept any voice in our wedding, so it’s important for me to say what he has meant in my life, shared Mette-Marit on NRK in 2010 in connection with his love conversation with parliamentary minister Per Arne Dahl in Nidaros Cathedral.

– I experienced so strongly that Prince saw me when we met, and it makes me also in many ways can be happy in myself when I’m at my darkest. I think that’s because Prince is a man who is very generous, she continued in front of a packed church.

In connection with the Crown Prince and Princess ten years anniversary next year, described the duo their relationship as “very solid “.

Haakon told the time VG that the three things he cherished’s wife is her ability to care, her presence at the meeting with people and ability to understand them.

Mette-Marit kept not back when she praised her husband.

– Firstly, he world’s greatest dad. And so is he incredibly generous and open. Open in the sense that he is very clever not to judge people. And the third is that you are very, very fond of me, she shared according to the newspaper.

FAMILY PICTURE: Here’s royal family gathered under the Christmas shooting Skaugum last December. NTB scanpix

READ ALSO: see that big Prince Alexander has been

25. august 2016 – 8:13


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