Thursday, January 28, 2016

Drammen guy Erik had a baby with Tyra Banks – Drammens Times

“Top Model USA-star,” confirms happy news on Instagram, writes on Thursday.

– The best present, as we have requested our prayers for is finally here, wrote the star under the image of a Baby hat.

The boy has been named York Banks Asla.

ALSO READ: Now Banks and Asla been cohabitants

Used surrogate

The couple used a surrogate mother. To celebrity website People she tells how she sends her thoughts to all those who are struggling to conceive.

– We are so happy that we got a new little boy, a pleasure bundle. The road there has not been easy, as I have told you about earlier. But it was a beautiful, shining light in the end of the tunnel for me and his father he, Erik, she said to People.

Banks and Asla were boyfriends in 2013. Then appeared the first pictures up of the Norwegian fashion photographer Erik Asla and Tyra Banks who ate lunch together. A few months later confirmed Asla relationship.

– She is an inexhaustible source of energy and very inspiring, said Asla first time he lifted the veil on the relationship.

ALSO READ: – We’ve been dating for a while

Aslas fourth child

Erik Asla has been married once before and has three daughters from that relationship.

Already in the summer of 2014 he stated that he had a feeling that he was not finished with either children or marriage.

– I have lived long enough to know that unexpected things happen all the time, so one should never say never. I have a feeling that I have not finished neither the one nor the other, says Asla.

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Met at “Top Model”

Tyra Banks is the creator of “America’s Next Top Model” – which she herself is also presenter and judge. Banks hit Asla during the 2013 season of the Norwegian “Top Model”, which was partially recorded in Los Angeles.

Erik Asla, who Drammen, is a famous Norwegian fashion photographer who has worked for most Norwegian and several major international magazines. He has photographed many of the world’s biggest stars and has been living in Los Angeles for several years.

Drammen he still believes that he does not live the American dream.

– The part of the American dream that is about four houses and eight cars is not my dream. What I want to be a part of, are achieving success with what I have created. The part of the American dream I subscribe to, he says to Drammen Tidende.

ALSO READ: Erik Asla – photographer with earthy success


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